Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Broken or missing teeth can occur for a variety of reasons. For example, trauma to the mouth can fracture a tooth or knock it out completely. In addition, gum disease can cause tooth decay and possibly lead to tooth loss. The good news is at Cadena Dentistry we offer restorative services including dental bridges.
A bridge fills in the gap where the missing tooth was. It may be supported by dental implants or natural teeth. A conventional bridge includes two crowns on both sides of the gap. The bridge is attached to the crowns, which act as an anchor and hold the bridge in place.
Usually two appointments are needed in order to have a traditional dental bridge placed. The process of getting a bridge will involve preparing the adjacent teeth for the crowns. Preparation involves removing any decay and shaping and filing the teeth. An impression of the teeth is taken so the bridge can be made. While you wait for your permanent bridge to be made, a temporary one will be placed.
Bridges are made from durable materials, such as porcelain, gold or alloy. In some cases, a combination of materials will be used. Proper maintenance of a bridge is essential in order to prevent cavities from developing underneath. Regular brushing, flossing and professional cleanings are needed.
For more information on bridges or in order to schedule an appointment, please call Cadena Dentistry at 830-775-3322.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Oral Cancer Screenings

Oral cancer screenings are one of many services we offer here at Cadena Dentistry. We provide these screenings during each dental check-up to look for early signs of oral cancer, which is usually treatable if found early. It only takes a few moments to complete and lets our patients get an early diagnosis for more successful treatment.
Approximately 41,000 people have been diagnosed with oral cancer in the United States in 2013 alone, according to the American Dental Association, so it is important to get screened. If you smoke or drink heavily, it is essential that you have regular oral cancer screenings.
The following steps are completed during oral cancer screenings:
1. An ultraviolet light is used to look inside the mouth and on the gums and tongue.
2. The outside of the face is inspected for sores, including the lips, cheeks and neck.
3. Sores and other spots are examined inside the mouth, including the cheeks, inner lips, gums and roof of the mouth.
Oral screenings are a part of dental hygiene exams and check-ups and take only about 5-10 minutes in total. If your doctor finds any unusual spots, a biopsy is taken of the tissue for further testing.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Sleep Apnea

If something affects you when you’re asleep, how can you tell? That’s one of the problems with sleep apnea. Many people are affected and don’t even know it.  Even their sleep partners often mistake sleep apnea as snoring and don’t recognized the serious health effects until it’s too late. Fortunately, there are a few common signs and symptoms that may indicate you or someone you care about has sleep apnea.  If you notice any of the following, please be proactive in seeking a diagnosis and any necessary treatment:
  • Daytime sleepiness, fatigue or regular drowsiness
  • Dry mouth, sore throat and/or headaches that frequently occur upon waking
  • Abrupt awakenings followed by shortness of breath, as well as gasping or choking while asleep
  • Loud snoring, which remains the most prominent though easily dismissed sign of sleep apnea.
If left untreated, sleep apnea can amount to some serious health risks that include stroke and heart disease.  Thankfully, there are a variety of treatments, therapies and procedures that can correct sleep apnea and eliminate its harmful effects.  We can help sleep apnea patients here at our practice; so if you or someone you love may be affected, please call us for more information on how we can help.