Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Extraction Preservation for Healthy and Good Looking Teeth

Extracting teeth is often a necessary procedure to save oral health and to avoid spreading infection. But having a missing tooth is something that must be solved for various oral health reasons. Here at Cadena Dentistry in Del Rio, TX, we offer several solutions for preserving the site of an extracted tooth.

Traditional implants, mini implants, and dental bridges are all options to replace a missing tooth. Traditional implants are a solution that can last a lifetime. It is a single tooth replacement, so no other teeth are altered in the process. This process takes course over a few months. Mini implants are great for smaller spaces and for creating more stable dentures. They also can usually be placed in one day. Dental bridges are an option where the teeth on either side of the missing tooth are used to create a “bridge”. The two teeth on either side are reshaped to fit crowns, and the replacement tooth is connected in the middle of them.

Choosing not to replace a missing tooth could result in damage to your jaw and facial structure. The jawbone will start to degenerate and change shape. This can cause your teeth to shift. Not only are shifted teeth an aesthetic problem, but it can create problems with biting, chewing, and speaking.

If you are missing a tooth and want to learn more about your options, contact Cadena Dentistry in Del Rio, TX. To schedule an appointment, call (830) 775-3322 or visit our website,

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