Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Frenectomy Performed with a Laser

Lip tie and tongue tie can cause severe problems in babies and continued difficulties in adulthood. To free the lips and tongue, a frenectomy is needed to allow the frenulum to heal with more range. Here at our Del Rio, TX dental practice, Cadena Dentistry, we are trained and skilled at performing frenectomies.

The frenectomy is performed by using a laser to detach the shortened or tightened frenulum. Using a laser provides less discomfort than a scalpel or scissors and a faster healing time.  There are also no stitches needed afterward. Often, only a local anesthetic is needed to numb the area. The procedure is performed in less than fifteen minutes. When the frenulum heals, it will have with more range.

When a tightened or shortened frenulum causes the lips or tongue limited motion, this causes immediate difficulties for babies nursing. They are unable to latch correctly and suffer from the consequences. Babies who have difficulty latching often do not gain enough weight. The mothers also suffer with blockage and injury to their milk ducts. Later on in life, as a child or an adult, lip tie and tongue tie can affect the ability to speak, eat, keep good oral health, and other activities.

A short or tight frenulum can cause major difficulties in life, but it doesn’t have to last forever. To learn more about frenectomy, call Cadena Dentistry of Del Rio, TX at (830) 775-3322 or visit our website,

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